Alignment Pro Hinged Alignment Rod by AlignmentPro

Sale price$2.99 USD Regular price$14.99 USD

Seriously though your Putter should feel like your swinging through butter at impact. If it feels like you are hitting a bag of rocks then either your putter plane is off or your ball position is incorrect.

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Alignment Pro Single or Alignment Pro Double Hinged Rod

All items are sold a la carte. When ordering there are 4 separate products you may order. 

  1. Single-Hinged Alignment Pro  (Alignment Pro rod with 1 hinge)
  2. Double-Hinged Alignment Pro  (Alignment Pro rod with 2 hinges)
  3. Solo Stick Rod  (a plain white alignment rod)
  4. Alignment Pro Sleeve  (Black faux leather protective sleeve similar to a headcover, that covers and protects the end of your Alignment Pro when in a golf bag)

 "The Alignment Pro helped me to be more consistent with lining up my Putts on the putting green. It is a Multi-functional Golf Training Aid that can help with all facets of your game."   - Zac Blair


Using the Alignment Pro 

Below is your definitive guide to learning to practice with purpose with the new Alignment Pro 


Putting is one of the most important factors in your game. The average golfer has around 30-40 putts times per round! Here are some putting drills using the Alignment Pro. Let's lower those golf scores!

Learn what it feels like to hit the "Sweet Spot"

Golf can be an easy game and you can make up a lot of shots if you practice your putting with this stick and avoid 3 putts. The double hinged alignment pro gives the golfer instant feedback of the proper plane the shaft should be on. This is key.

By matching the guideline on the putter with the Alignment Pro, you'll know instantly if your putter is aligned properly toward the target. The Alignment Pro is the only tool of its kind that, since the stick is ABOVE the ball, you're able to perfectly align the club and ball while putting. By practicing this way, your ability to putt straight every time will quickly increase. Also, by using the markings on the Alignment Pro, you'll become more aware of how far back you should bring the club in your putting backswing. This will dramatically improve your feel for distance on the putting green.


“I finally know what it feels like to swing on plane instead of over the top.” — Tyler Hansen


The driving range is where we get to work everything involving our swing. A good swing plane will help improve a golfer's accuracy, ball contact, and so much more! Need to hit a draw? Maybe a fade? Let's work on it together!


Chipping and short game are just as important as putting! Working on ball control, distance control, and keeping the body in tempo to make sure your 20-foot putts turn into tap in birdies! Check out some of these short game drills!

Control your Chipping

Many golfers lose control when chipping. This is often a result of the angle and arc of their backswings. With your Alignment Pro, your chipping will be more accurate through controlled movement and alignment. You can set up 'swing gates.' This will ensure that you're backswing is at the correct angle and arc.


Instant Feedback

A challenge golfers face is bringing their club 'inside' when they are chipping. In other words, their backswing is too much behind them. The Alignment Pro prevents this by creating a barrier so, if the backswing is incorrect, the club will make contact. By also using the Alignment Stick, the golfer will be able to instantly see if his or her club is going through the ball at the right angle.


Keeping knee bent

By using the Alignment Pro as a guide against the golfer's knee, it will prevent golfers from swaying or moving their back knee. Most importantly it will keep your right knee bent which is important in the golf swing. A bent knee keeps you from losing stability and power. This small improvement will immediately increase the golfer's accuracy as he or she makes contact with the ball.


Chipping Alignment

Golfers frequently chip with their feet slightly open toward the target. You can set your Alignment Pro to help you simultaneously align your feet correctly and maintain the correct club angle for your swing.

Protective Sleeve

Use the sleeve for protection from scratches on your clubs on your new sticks and of course to your hands or body.

This is the very important and very sleek Alignment Pro Sleeve in White or Black.The AP leather sleeve is wide enough to fit both the Alignment Pro and the Regular Alignment Stick all in one. or simply add all three straight alignment sticks inside of this headcover.

Don't forget to choose Single or Double hinge when ordering! 

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